The following answers address some of the frequently asked questions regarding the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and the theme.
What is a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)?
A Quality Enhancement Plan is a thoughtfully designed, focused course of action that stimulates student learning and success while fulfilling Texas State’s mission – “excellence and innovation in teaching, research, including creative expression, and service.”
The QEP, a mandate of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) reaffirmation process, incorporates some key elements in addition to the focus on students and its link with our mission. It must emerge from all of us – students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, community members, colleagues, and others – and it must affect a significant and broad spectrum of our students. Also, we must marshal the expertise to set clear, logical and measurable goals, for the QEP as well as demonstrate the ability and will to adequately implement, support and complete the Plan.
What are characteristics of a QEP?

A QEP encourages actions that support the mission, addresses an area of challenge, targets a substantial portion of the student body, and yields measurable change. Additionally, a QEP:
- Complements ongoing university initiatives and/or evolves from existing processes
- Includes major enhancement of student learning through creative, engaging and meaningful learning experiences
- Increases the effectiveness of the institution
- Is “forward-looking” spanning at least five years
- Is substantiated by empirical evidence
- Has broad-based support from various constituent groups including administration, faculty, students, alumni, centers and institutes, support services, and external constituents
What is included in a QEP?

In the Quality Enhancement Plan, evidence of the following must be clearly addressed:
- Focused theme, creative and vital to improvement of student learning
- Definition of student learning appropriate to the focus
- Engagement and support of constituent groups
- Importance of theme, including empirical support
- Well defined goals
- Review of best practices related to the theme
- Implementation framework including timelines, leadership, resources and assessment schedule
- Comprehensive evaluation plan
The Quality Enhancement Plan must be succinctly outlined in a 75 page narrative with no more than 25 pages of appendices submitted six weeks in advance of the on-site review.